Saturday, September 17, 2011

Imagine You're A Deer!

I know this blog is about exploring interests that have never been my own, but I don’t think I can get into the hunting thing.  I’m not sure I understand it either.  I mean, I understand the purpose of hunting in terms of survival and nourishment and even the necessity of hunting to balance the environment in some cases… but I don’t understand the whole mindset of its attraction as a sport. 

I love a good pork chop and make a mean meatloaf too, but I keep my mental distance from what happens before that neatly packaged and unrecognizable part of the animal makes it into the grocery store.  I guess this ‘interest’ is going to take some more conversations and probing for me to understand the triggering of pleasure receptors at the success of a kill.  

In the meantime, I think Marisa Tomei said it best…


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